Reading Journal Entry: Too Darn Hot, by Sandra Scoppettone

The sequel to This Dame for Hire, a hard-boiled detective novel set in New York during World War II. Faye Quick is one of those thousands of women like Rosie the Riveter who had to step into roles that enlisted men left behind. She's trying to keep her detective agency afloat while her boss is overseas. Solving a high-profile murder case in the last book has sent a nice stream of business her way.

Scoppettone does a wonderful job of evoking wartime New York with great period details, dialogue, and the horrible New York summer heat. These are competent little mysteries that win my personal 'best in breed'. I like Faye a lot, and the setting really makes the books priceless. Well done!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, I've been on holiday for a couple of weeks, and still very much catching up. But these books sound good - I love Rosie the Riveter.
Thanks for highlighting this series, will add to my dreaded Amazon basket.